Thursday, September 29, 2011

I had a crazy dream the other night.

          It started out with me, Lacy, Heather and Maddie, working like any other day. One of the managers then disrupted our work by walking up to us and throwing dish rags at us, demanding we, quote, "Pick this shit up!" Lacy stomped her foot and yelled "I'M SICK OF BEING TREATED LIKE THIS!" So she threw a lit match at a rack of clothes enarby, creating a giant blaze that started snaking through all the aisles.
          Chaos ERUPTED. I mean, it was insanity. We had all the managers cornered, the other floor crew people threatening them with spears. Customers were coming in and breaking things and stealing TVs and spray painting the walls and climbing up on the counters. One guy was running around on all fours. That was pretty creepy. >.>
          In the dream, Maddie was SUPER pregnant (although in reality, she isn't pregnant at all). As the fire spread and the people got more and more vicious by the second, we were trying to get Maddie out of the building, standing around her like a protective wall as we neared the exit. But I heard someone calling my name from behind me. The girls left the building as I scanned the growing flames for the source of the call.
          It was CC, waving me over towards him. Probably wanting to protect me or whatever. Before I could do anything, I watched as a suitcase- a normal sized suitcase- fell on him and pinned him to the floor. He was flailing helplessly, and couldn't get up. I'm like "OH MY GOSH", even though its JUST A SUITCASE. He cried out, "Samantha, help me! Don't leave me! " But I did leave, and as the flames consumed him, I heard him scream "BUT I LOVED YOU!" It was pretty crazy.
          I joined my friends outside, and we clambered into a van that had "floor bitches"spray painted on the side in red, and as we drove away, I watched in the rearview mirror as the store went up in a firey explosion, creating a giant orange-and-black mushroom cloud.

          The end.

- Samantha

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